Spring has sprung here in Atlanta! This week’s challenge is super easy. Let’s be grateful for daffodils. Here are some daffodils that I planted by my garage door. Every time I pull in or out of my driveway, I see them smiling at me. And they make me smile. When we sold our parent’s house, …
Gratitude Challenge – Let’s be grateful for π
Today is 3/14, aka π day or Pi day. Who knew there was an entire organization established for this day. I wasn’t even paying attention to the date, as I am still recovering from springing forward. I found myself at Publix yesterday. They were already set up to celebrate the day with pies on sale …
Gratitude challenge – being grateful for daylight savings time
Daylight savings time arrives on March 10 this year. On that lovely Sunday morning we spring forward…meaning 5 am becomes 6 am. You can check out Wikipedia to learn more than you ever cared to know about springing forward and falling back. DST was first implemented in the US with the Standard Time Act of 1918, a …
Gratitude Challenge – Girl Scout cookies!
Years ago, Girl Scouts had to act as door to door salesmen, hitting up neighbors for cookie sales. Now I get an email from my niece, who is a girl scout/my supplier, with a link. And every year I say I’m not going to buy any or I’m going to buy and donate to the …