What do you love to do? The question sounds so simple and yet it is a complex one. Why? Because it gets into your innermost desires, which are typically hidden. This scene from Julie & Julia is an excellent example of a journey to answering that question. It’s quite a brilliant moment between two great …
Ikigai and what you are good at
Do you know your strengths? Does knowing what you are good at mean you a conceited person? Absolutely not! You need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses to be a success. I can assure you that asking about greatest strength and greatest weakness is a fairly popular interview question, so you have to …
Ikigai and what you can be paid for
Part 2 in our 4 part series is ‘What you can be paid for’. For me it was easy to say what the world needs (and yes I hear Dionne Warwick singing EVERY TIME – Love, sweet love!). In my opinion, these Ikigai elements become increasingly difficult to delve into as we progress through them. …
Ikigai, What the World needs and Rising up against hunger
In my journey to Mary 2.0 I have been noodling about what I want to do as well as what I don’t want to do with the time I have left on this earth. This isn’t meant to be morbid or a confession of some terminal illness. This is me searching for my “Ikigai”. What …