First let me tell you that I’m still unable to pronounce this town’s name correctly. The morning was spent sailing (thru the lock again), headed toward Nijmegen. We arrived early under the helm of my handsome captain. This was my stupid day. Every trip has a stupid day where you make stupid decisions. So yeah, …
Gratitude Challenge – Canadian Geese
As I walked out the door of my gym, I saw 4 Canadian Geese hanging out in the parking lot. The image made me smile. Canadian Geese migrating South means Fall is on its way. They are beautiful birds with a distinctive honk that can be heard as they fly in their V-formation. Did you …
St. Theresa’s Prayer
This past week, I had a friend share this prayer with me. I was touched by its beautiful simplicity and its message. Nothing to improve upon, so sharing it here with you.
Dutch Delight – Haarlingen/Franeker
This was the day. I was walking behind some folks as we wandered around Haarlingen…and this gentleman coughed. There was nowhere for me to run and hide. And you guessed it…I got sick. This Old World virus did take a few days to properly incubate (from Wednesday until Monday’s flight home). Let’s not speak anymore …