My very first job was as a donut girl at the Dunkin’ Donuts in Sandy Springs. The pay was below minimum wage because we earned tips. Not sure how they got away with that because there aren’t many big tips on a donut and coffee. My friend Donna and I were 15 years old and …
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Today is my parent’s wedding anniversary. My brother James and sister Sarah remembered. I’m sure my brother Thomas remembered and just didn’t reach out. I always got confused exactly which day was their anniversary. I knew their birthdays but for some reason I couldn’t get their anniversary date properly implanted in my head. Mom joined …
It’s concert week!
For so many churches, Christmas is a time of joy, hope and …concerts! Easter and Christmas pack the pews in – and are a great opportunity to inspire people to come back for more. I’m a singer and ringer at my church and we are gearing up for performances on Friday and Sunday. It’s funny …
Pumpkin Pie for breakfast
One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions, aside from the After Thanksgiving day sales, is…wait for it… pumpkin pie for breakfast. What?! You’ve never enjoyed this treat? It’s better than cold pizza for breakfast (a college activity that turns my stomach now). My mom started this amazing pie-eating rule. I suspect it was to help clear …