Today’s post starts with a quote from a deliciously dark Stephen King mini-series from years ago, Storm of the Century The Mary summary (condensed/abridged to fit this blog post) – a stranger comes to town and keeps repeating the line ‘Give me what I want and I’ll go away’. The town decides to do so …
Dating in your 50s, part 4 of ??
It is a new year and hope springs eternal…or does it? because when I hit ‘discover’ in eharmony, Terry was my top pic. So…while I have a pretty good sense of humor, I’m 100% sure that Terry and I are not a match. I’m curious if there is a single woman out there who sees …
Gratitude challenge – being grateful for our challenges!
Happy New Year! This challenge is from my gratitude calendar. It’s about recognizing (positively) the impact big challenges have on who you are. When we look back on our lives, we see that it is often our most challenging emotional experiences that burnished us into brighter shining. I’ve tried to live my life without regret…knowing …
Sticking to a resolution vs. Creating a habit
At this time of year many folks ask, ‘Are you making any New Year’s resolutions?’. Spoiler alert – I am not. I’m not opposed to setting resolutions. I simply find that my tendency is to set unrealistic resolutions and then if not met or kept, I beat myself up. Life is too short. And life …