Daylight savings time arrives on March 10 this year. On that lovely Sunday morning we spring forward…meaning 5 am becomes 6 am. You can check out Wikipedia to learn more than you ever cared to know about springing forward and falling back. DST was first implemented in the US with the Standard Time Act of 1918, a …
Time Pie
One of the blessings and curses of living by yourself is there is a great deal of time for self-reflection…and for stupid games on your iPad. Both activities are by choice, so I do get pretty mad at myself when I find myself doing either for long stretches of time. Self-reflection in and of itself …
Two poems from a celebration of life
Yesterday I attended/sang at a funeral/celebration of life for Paul Beecham. Paul was a truly good person. Years ago, he and Sara, his wife, welcomed me into the RUMC choir and were always very kind and friendly. The RUMC chapel was FULL of family and friends who were touched by them. Four of his grandchildren …
Dating in your 50s, part 5 of ??
I was hoping to have some amazing gossip to share here…either really bad or really good dating experiences. Unfortunately for me I’ve got nothing new to report. It’s amazing to me the amount of free advice I get from married persons…especially when they haven’t been in the dating world since college. I’m so happy they …