Buzz Buzz Let’s hear it for our pollinators, the busy little bee. For those of you with a bee allergy, this is a stretch goal! It’s hard to appreciate wasps, hornets or yellow jackets, who seem to get pleasure from dive-bombing and stinging (or is that just something they reserve for me?). I turned to …
Blueberry Pie recipe
Lidl had a sale on blueberries…so I went a little crazy. There’s a reason that the expression ‘easy as pie’ exists. Especially when you ‘cheat’ and don’t make your own pie crust. I know you Martha Stewart devotees want to slap me for being lazy…but hear me out. When I have time, I will make …
A prayer for those with hate in their hearts
This was not the post I planned to write for today. Saturday morning I was listening to a radio program that talked about finding the humanity in each person – crossing political lines and opening up communication and understanding between conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats (and all of us in between). I said to …
Gratitude Challenge – Butterflies!
I can’t believe I’ve never done a gratitude challenge around butterflies. I love these beautiful insects! Fun with language: in german they are called ‘Schmetterling’, while in French they are called ‘Papillon’ and in Hawaiian they are ‘lelelele’. Whatever they are called, they flit around with their splashy wings of color and put a smile …