This post is short and sweet and a complete rip-off of from my gratitude calendar entry. It was phrased so perfectly that I am copying and pasting (bolding by me) and dropping the mic.

If you want the most basic instruction in how to live gratefully, it would be to stop taking people, possessions, your body, time – literally anything – for granted. Put in positive terms, actively treasuring whatever is yours to treasure is the shortest path to joy you can take.

Your challenge is to actively treasure. Reach out to a friend or family member and tell them you love them. Tell them how important they are to you and to God. Share your love and feel the joy enter your heart.

I’m concluding a few images- the first is a quote to acknowledge my slight cheat as a form of flattery and learning. And the others are me actively treasuring (from trips to Lake Sinclair) Mavis, family and lake living.

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