Do you tend to get reflective in the last week of the year? I do. I look at what I’ve done (or not done) and what I hope to do in 2024. I used to set resolutions, but I don’t anymore. Resolutions tend to be too extreme and often not achievable. We can talk about how you should treat personal goals the same as your work goals…you know make them SMART and all that. Vagueness in a goal won’t move the bar that much…but I don’t want to view my life in the same way I view work. SMART goals are about the destination and life goals are about the journey itself.

Anyway, indulge my rambling about my 2023 year in review… I read an article about how you should turn your life into a blockbuster movie, so I’ll try to make this a little cinematic. I do hope to write that blog post soon about my life as a movie (the genre would be more of a comedy than the romantic comedy I desired)!

In 2023, I finally stood up for myself. I pulled a Twisted Sister and sang out ‘We’re not gonna take it anymore!’ Golly, that man was an ugly woman.

(this is not me…this is Dee Snyder)

After 20+ years (I stopped counting because I realize 1- it isn’t relevant and 2- it makes me feel old) in the RMIS space, I retired. My last day was June 30, 2023. I then spent several months traveling and seeing family and not answering emails. And not being on back-to-back calls 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It took SEVERAL months to decompress. It took several months to separate my self worth from the job. I had some lovely trips (Banff Canada, Eastern European River cruise) to distract me.

And when I was ready…I started my own consulting business! I wasn’t quite ready to retire…I feel like I have a little bit more to give in the professional world. It’s been fun thus far. I am flying a little bit by the seat of my pants. I didn’t write a business plan. I just jumped into the deep end with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.

What I hope for 2024:

  • make healthier choices (both nutrition and exercise)
  • establish and hold onto work-life balance and boundaries (i’m not going to let work rule me like it has in the past)
  • read 4 books (gotta start somewhere)
  • attempt one date
  • take at least two amazing trips
  • choose to do more silly and frivolous things
  • grow in my relationship with God
  • identify charities/philanthropies that appeal to me and I can support

That’s a pretty good list! I may add to it…I may make it more measurable. But I’ve put it out there for the universe to see…which means the odds have increased for me being successful!

Happy New Year! I have no idea what will happen to this blog. I enjoy writing it, so I imagine I’ll keep going.


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