Years ago I would take Speedy, our super smart beagle mix, on long walks through the neighborhoods near my sister’s house. I would often bump into a priest in the front yard of his church and we’d have delightful conversations. He said something to me that has stayed with me over the years.

You don’t need the church. The church needs you.

They are such profound yet simple sentences. It is true…I don’t need the church. I can talk directly to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on my own and independent of me attending church. I do some of my best praying driving down GA 400! It is true, the church needs me – my tithes to support missions and my volunteering for philanthropic and charitable activities.

These sentences have ruminated in my head as I’ve watched the drama unfold within the United Methodist Church. It breaks my heart to see the church split apart. There is no winner in each round of modifications to church doctrine and the ripple effect of disaffiliations. How have we lost sight on what Christianity is about? How have we lost sight on why the church exists? I see more concern about property and money than I do for the plight of mankind and how to bring others to Christ. Frankly what is going on seems to be a brilliantly evil strategy by satan to turn people against each other and away from Christ.

It’s a shame that one group felt it had to push others away rather than simply agree to disagree.

And frankly I don’t see a massive influx of new members because of these changes. This isn’t the reason why people aren’t attending church, though perhaps it may be the initial excuse given when asked. So we should be asking what is the REAL reason? I’m going to noodle on that and I hope you will too! If we can answer that question, then we can start moving forward.

All that being said, if I’m honest with myself, I would have to say I personally do need the church. I need the sense of community it provides. I need the weekly refill of sermons and songs to keep me focused on what’s important in life. I need the fellowship and ministry that occurs each Wednesday at choir practice.

So I find myself at a crossroads…and the best thing for me to do is pray for guidance.

1 Comment

  1. My thoughts exactly, right down to the choir rehearsals.

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